Monday, August 13, 2007

Monday far from Friday ..... sigh!

I made progress on my current project. I had no choice considering my car broke down on the way to the job, furthering my corrective action and I had to walk up the hill to the plantation..I mean work place. So instead of being all pissed with the world I grabbed my 2" worth of knitting and trekked my sweaty way to my j.o.b..... I continued to knit during the slow paced tech calls and by late evening I was feeling pretty darn good ...and began my search for a sexy, not too fussy hair do.. so far no luck there...
Still searching , hence the BRAIDS book....

Shall we toast to my project that is just the right gauge and by the looks of it so far, may actually fit? ...We have a winner ....

Plum Wine any one?

In more manly affairs: the ramp is near completion... take a peak:
Mid -kid will be surprised to sheer madness when he sees the "toy" his dad built upon his arrival back from camp....
It will be a while before i try it though, believe dat !

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