Sunday, July 29, 2007

My knitting brings all the boys to the yard...

I have noticed that knitting is a man getter! Ha!

We all tend to attract people with our knitting from reminiscent grandma's who can no longer churn out Afghans due to chronic arthritis, the curious, coveting all- too- busy- house wife who ooohs and ahhhhs to the innocent babes drawn to our swift hand movements pacifying and distracting them. I have been amongst these people, drawing them to me and my knitting.

Really, most women I have come across while knitting don't really stop and talk, or maybe i need to knit a bit more out there to get that. But it has not failed , a man , genuinely intrigued, perhaps stumped will usually kick off a conversation about my knitting. I mean, I'm sitting there usually engrossed in the craft , hands moving, If I'm feeling especially grateful for multi tasking abilities, I may also be finishing up a book.( I learned to read while I knit to keep up with my reading . And it has helped !) and I'll look up , startled, to see a pair of eyes staring down at me, or a approaching me.

MAN...getter ????
I have never read any where that this could happen? There was no forewarning , no blog postings in the rings I stalk , I mean read through, no info in the Stitch -n- Bitch books or at the knitting meetups or the LYS... mention of this occurrence.But it does make sense if you think about it , approach a woman and her knitting, start a conversation, ask for a date why not? That is exactly what has been happening !
I tell the pursuer that I am married and not interested in dates or them for that matter; that I am married with 3 sons.They tend to back off , linger with a few more comments and go about their merry way... This happened three times last week alone. I have tested my theory this week yet... will keep ya posted though !

Of late , I have been drawn to the beach to work on Baby girl's blanket ( which I finished Saturday, by the way....) I mean, the beach has really drawn me -

Like me in my little flimsy,metal, out door one seater, sitting right on the sand, knitting in hand, sun beaming on my back. HEAVEN. or by the skate park on the bench listening to the boys ride and praying they all get to go home in tact. fingers crossed !

Once I became a regular these past two weeks I then felt comfortable sitting really close enough to get my toes wet. Each time the salty sea came to shore my metal one seater sinks a little deeper but I did not mind repositioning and recommitting to the stitches at hand.... It has been blissful... peaceful...just what I needed.

happy knitting
and b careful who u attract ! lol....

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